gbpartnerships consult were commissioned through Arden Estate Partnerships to provide Coventry and Warwickshire ICB with a comprehensive Healthcare Facility Options Appraisal regarding a new housing development in Gaydon & Lighthorne Health (GLH).
The Upper Lighthorne housing development is a significant part of the district council’s core strategy.3,000 new homes will be built over the next 10 years, which will see an increase in the local population by more than 7,200 people, putting a significant strain on the existing local General Practice services. The Options Appraisal provided a detailed analysis of three options to alleviate the strain on current primary care provision and proposed recommendations for how the ICB should proceed. The appraisal identified:
the impact that the new housing development will have on local GP services
the best way to meet the needs of the growing population of Upper Lighthorne.
Find out more by downloading the case study here:

Aerial map of the locality.